
7.29.21 - Handle With Care

We’re all a little bit broken, from time to time
When the bad days stack up, like the dimes
We don’t have to pay the bills, we stay behind
Wishing for a break, praying for peace of mind

Anxiety rings louder when another bill arrears
And we dig our way out or dig down, deeper
All hearts beat, despite daggers of despair
Always, dearest remind me, handle with care

2.20.21 - Perseverance and Pathogen

Jailed for preaching the gospel of Aristarchus
Galileo’s agnostic legacy tarnished as heresy
Digital bits mined from spilled blood of prophets
Gambling, not pot, legalized by Wall Street

Scientists gained control of Mars this week
In an alien lake, our machines dig deep
Ancient truths sleep, hidden far below
But, Republicans broke Texas with snow

Oil banks blamed a few windmills frozen
Snake-charmed by Don Quixote’s poison
Inoculated against scientific truth, prose, or
Earth’s omens- tempests, a decade before

Neil’s moon-dust Apollo boots exhumed
For blind Inquisition in evangelic Senate
What holy wars await behind golden doors
If NASA finds signs of ancient life on Mars